Hertfordshire County Council encourages their County Councillors to spend cash on local projects that promote worthy social, economic or the environmental wellbeing of their local area, and supports this aim by allocating each Councillor a ‘Locality Budget’.
In past years, long-serving County Councillor Richard Smith (now retired) allocated cash from his Locality Budget to pay for the purchase and installation of two benches which are much enjoyed, on the Danesbury Local Nature Reserve.
We are now delighted to be able to report that two current County Councillors, Cllr.Tony Kingsbury and Cllr. Dr.Sunny Thusu, both of whom are Welwyn residents, have each allocated the sum of £1000 from their respective Locality Budgets to the Friends of Danesbury Fernery.
The cash allocated by both Councillors is in recognition of the immense, and continuing volunteer effort to recover and restore this long-lost Victorian gem, and the resulting wide-spread community benefit. These allocations will be used to help meet the ongoing costs of planting, improvement, maintenance and repair.
Below is a photograph of Cllr. Dr. Sunny Thusu, with Gardening Group volunteers, in front of the Danesbury Fernery Grotto, when he took the opportunity on a recent visit to the Fernery to announce his allocation of cash.

The volunteers have a long list of tasks to be undertaken, and the cash allocations from County Cllrs. Kingsbury and Thusu will help meet the associated costs. In the immediate instance, gravel has been purchased to improve the paths around the Fernery to make them safer for visitors and volunteers alike.
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