As forecast in our Notice of the 20th February Work Party we took delivery of a large order of Spring and Summer Bulbs after the date of the Work Party.
This photo shows 3000 x single snowdrops, 3000 x double snowdrops, and 1000 x aconites, all ‘in the green’ and laid out before planting to enjoy the sun and rain after their long journey.
These were all planted by a group of volunteers who formed an ad hoc working party on Tuesday 3rd March.
The following day the volunteers woke up to the realisation that some 30 trays of 500 Erythroniums Pagodas (dog-tooth violets) had also been delivered, potted up in trays, and ready for planting.
And on a third consecutive day, a smaller group of volunteers planted 500 x cylamen corms.
We cannot wait to see the result.
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