Long Range Weather Forecast
Light cloud and a moderate breeze
As mentioned in previous Notices, we now plan to resume scrub-bashing tasks in the Park Field since the bird nesting season is past.
Depending on available volunteer resources, we therefore plan to operate two separate work parties on Thursday 18th July 2019 as follows.
The Fernery Gardening Group
Leader Andrew Beattie
Weeding and watering will always be on the menu, plus more planting.
North West Bank
Since the last scheduled work party, half of the North West bank has been dressed with mulch and planted-up with Jenny’s wild flowers.

This was accomplished in readiness for the visit of the Anglia in Bloom judging last Tuesday 9th July. But in Harry’s absence we might not have sufficient resource to complete this task until a later work party.
North East Bank
The newly profiled North East Bank was seeded with grass last week and now needs to be watered to give it a start.

Perimeter Area
We need to continue the task of strimming around the whips and small saplings in the perimeter area, to stop the growth of smothering weeds.
General Tidy up for Visitors
Extra tasks will include leaf blowing and general tidying up because on Saturday afternoon 20th July a group of visitors are expected from the East Anglia Section of BPS (The British Pteridological (Fern) Society). Andrew and Colin will act as leaders for this visit and support volunteers will not be needed.
Nature Reserve Maintenance Group
Leaders: Lucy Alexander and Richard Darby
From July 2019 round to March/April 2020 we plan to form a second working party.
Depending on the number of resources available, the Nature Reserve working party will, as a priority, return to the ancient track that was cleared last March. It has become overgrown once again, and a good general clear up is called for.

A priority task list will be drawn up for future work.
Meeting Place
All volunteers should meet at the Fernery at 9.30 am where the leaders will allocate tasks and distribute appropriate tools for both working parties.
How to find the Fernery
If you have not visited us before you will be made very welcome. Please read the directions to find us.
Bring a hot drink and refreshments with you, and wear strong boots or shoes and good quality gardening gloves.
On arrival, for Borough Council (the Owners) Public Liability Insurance purposes, you will be asked to Register with us before you start work.
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