Weather Forecast – long range
Sunny intervals and a gentle breeze – but cold if standing still. (Photo by Colin)
Management of Work on Danesbury Nature Reserve
We welcome back all volunteers to the first Working Parties of 2022.
The dates for all meetings can be found on the website calendar.
Following very constructive meetings recently held with our new Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council (WHBC) Officer Joseph Wilson Charry, we have an agreed Volunteers’ Task List which will form the basis of all scheduled work on the Nature Reserve during the year. Consideration will always be paid to seasonal priorities and constraints including the availability of Team Leaders, and First Aiders, as well as the impact of the weather and Covid-19 controls.
Work Parties
All volunteers are registered with the WHBC for Insurance purposes at their first meeting.
We meet monthly on the morning of the Third Thursday and, depending on the numbers of volunteers who turn out, we will always try to operate Two Working Groups:
- Group 1 in The Fernery, and
- Group 2 on The Danesbury Nature Reserve.
We are in need of Volunteer Leaders, so if you believe you could step up to the mark, then please have a word with any of the Committee members, who are listed on the website.
Fernery Gardening Group
In addition to the monthly Working Parties, the Fernery Gardening Group meet regularly once a week, on Tuesday afternoons (on Wednesday mornings in the darker winter months). Experienced gardeners undertake planting and weeding work, but new gardeners are always welcomed to join the team. Apart from gardening, there is always maintenance work to be undertaken and the Gardening Group includes volunteers who repair paths and fencing; who cut the grass, and collect and mulch leaf drop to name just a few of the many diverse tasks undertaken that all help keep the Fernery looking so good all year round.
Group 1 – Fernery Work Party
All volunteers for Group 1 should meet at the Fernery Shed at 9.45 a.m. for a prompt 10 a.m. start.
Jenny and Sarah will lead this Group which will continue general management of the borders and beds. In colder months work includes seasonal leaf gathering and mulching, and regular maintenance tasks on paths and fencing is always required.
Group 2 – Local Nature Reserve
Harry Ward will lead this Group which will meet at the cattle corral on the Park Field opposite the sequoia (Wellingtonia) tree at 10 a.m.
The Leaders will collect suitable Team Tools from the Fernery Shed, including the strimmer, rakes and bowsaws, and bring them down to the start point. If you are able to help carry tools please meet the leaders at 9.45 a.m. at the shed in The Fernery.
Work will be tasked to match the numbers of volunteers who turn up. It is likely to include items on the 2022 Task List which, in outline, has been agreed between WHBC and the FODF Committee, and will be published shortly.
Where to Meet
As stated above –
Group 1 volunteers should meet at the Fernery Shed at 9.45 a.m. for a prompt 10 a.m. start.
Group 2 volunteers should meet at 10 a.m. by the cattle corral entrance to the Park Field opposite the sequoia tree.
Volunteers are asked to consider in advance which Work Party they would prefer to join as this helps the leaders organise groups and distribute tools.
If you are a new volunteer and not sure where the Danesbury Fernery is located, please go to the website map .
New Volunteers
New volunteers will be asked to complete a Registration Form which WHBC will retain confidentially for Public Liability Insurance purposes.
Please make sure that you are wearing boots or other suitable footwear, and gardening gloves, and also bring a hot drink and refreshment for break-time.
Covid-19 Rules and Tools
The application of current rules are the responsibiity of all individuals and groups of individuals.
For this reason, it would be helpful at this time if volunteers bring their own ‘favourite’ hand-tools in order to reduce sharing and the need for sterilisation. Suitable tools might include:
- for the Fernery – trowels, hand forks and secateurs, and
- for the Nature Reserve – secateurs, bow-saws and loppers if you have them.
If you have any queries please contact any committee member or
Stop Press
Enjoy the newly improved paths in the Fernery.
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