Sara, our new Chair, has held a Planning meeting and the FODF Committee are all very busy addressing their allocated tasks.
The Fernery will be ‘Open’ from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. as part of the annual Welwyn Festival programme. There will be a £2 entrance charge for adults that goes to the Festival Committee in support of local charities.
Refreshments will be available and visitors will be entertained once again by the Welwyn Harmony Chorus.
New Banners for local display are currently being designed, and more details will be announced as further preparations are made.
Help Needed
On the day (and in the evening) we will be looking for people to help the volunteers set up in the morning and take things down at the end.
If you can help please contact any member of the Committee or send a note to
Stop Press
A separate Open Day Page collates all the latest news about the preparations for the Open Day.
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