Friday 23rd July 2021
The Fernery is open again.
The Pulhamite Rockwork
Thankfully there appears not to be any material damage to the rockwork.
The Planting
The planting in the bed above the West path, and the bed above the grotto itself has been damaged. Over the next few weeks the volunteers will assess the extent of any re-planting required.
The Fencing
The wooden barrier at the top of the slope will need repairing, but none of the iron fencing has been damaged.
The Shredded Branches & Logs
Some cut branches will be used to repair the barrier at the top of the West slope, and conveniently Harry has already used some to extend the circular edging of the Spring bulb bed on the top of the West bank.
Most of the branches have been shredded and will be used for mulch when they rot down.
The cut logs have been left on site for future purposes.
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