Preparation for the Welwyn Festival Open Garden Programme
As we did last year, it has been proposed that we hold meetings on each Thursday morning between now and Thursday 20th June 2019 in order to complete tasks designed to get the Fernery spick and span in good time for the Welwyn Festival Open Garden Programme. The Fernery will be Open on the evening of Thursday 20th June 2019.
Please therefore watch the WhatsApp Fernery Gardening Group notices and declare in good time if you are available on any given Thursday morning so that, in each case, the leaders will know if there will be sufficient numbers to proceed safely because we have to ensure that we have a minimum of 2x members on site at any one time..
It is to be expected that watering will now be needed 2x week until, or unless, declared unnecessary.
We will therefore plan this as a task for the (above) Thursday Weekly Work Party tasks plus, by informal arrangement between individuals on a roster basis, we will need to arrange watering on days ( perhaps on the Saturdays) in between.

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