Chair’s Christmas Message December 16th 2024
Happy Christmas everyone.
Another year has come and gone.
I wont talk for long so everything stays warm, including us!
Glad to see that there are quite a few of you here, because without you, the Fernery would never look this good. However, we also need to try and take opportunities whenever we can, to sit back and admire what we’ve achieved.
All the rain this year seems to have been really appreciated by all the shrubs, trees and plants as they have grown well. The big old trees have survived several more storms, though one of the oaks is due a 40% reduction to prolong its life. The hawthorns in the outer ring surprised us by providing red blossom although they were bought as white! Really looking forward to the 1000 crocuses planted, although I am sure the squirrels have helped themselves to some!
Just a reminder that we are committed to opening for the Welwyn Festival on Sunday June 22nd in the afternoon. We would really love to do tea and cake but need to work out how!
Wednesday volunteers are coming again in August for 6th August and 20th August to help in the nature reserve.
Colin has got a busy diary with lots of talks booked in and I hope to help him when possible.
Jess is still doing a great job on our Instagram account and I hope more of you will start following. I’m still trying to regularly post on Facebook and John is continuing the website, so get ready for the camera!
Thanks again everyone, especially the rest of the committee for their support and have a great Christmas and hopefully it will be a mild winter.
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