- We are ready. Are you ready too?
- The Welwyn Festival – Danesbury Fernery Open
- The Fernery doesn’t look after itself!
- Work Parties – Thursday 15th February 2024
- Nature Reserve Work Parties – 3rd Thursday monthly
Weather Forecast – long range
Light cloud and a gentle breeze.
Work party Leaders will decide on the day if recent heavy rain has made the Fernery footpaths unsafe for normal work. An announcement of cancellation will be made as soon as practicable via the WhatsApp groups.
Management of Work on Danesbury Nature Reserve
Over recent times it has become evident to all walkers and users of the Park Field that habitat management by the Council contractors, and indeed by the volunteers, has fallen off over the past year. The Council’s normal Management Plan schedules have been disrupted by the strains on resources that has affected many services.
But with the easing of lockdown rules, it is now safe for the volunteers to resume work on the Nature Reserve as the bird nesting season is over, and Harry is therefore planning to lead the first of this Autumn Season’s work parties, as described below.
Group 1 – Fernery Gardening Group
Jenny will lead this Group which will continue general management of the borders and beds. As colder months approach work will undoubtedly switch towards seasonal leaf gathering and mulching.
Group 2 – Local Nature Reserve
Harry will lead this Group. The priority will be to make a start on cutting back the considerable undergrowth of brambles and nettles which continues to invade both the main paths and the perimeter paths on the Park Field.
Beyond this work, and as the Autumn/Winter season develops, projects on the lower slopes will continue to manage and arrest the uncontrolled spread of scrub in order to preserve the grassland which is at the heart of the 2013-2023 Management Plan’s objectives.
Where to Meet
All volunteers should meet at the Fernery Shed at 9.30 a.m. for a prompt 10 a.m. start.
Volunteers are asked to consider in advance which Work Party they would prefer to join as this helps the leaders organise groups and distribute tools.
If you are a new volunteer and are not sure where the Danesbury Fernery is located, please go to the website where a map will show you where we are.
New Volunteers
New volunteers will be asked to complete a Registration Form which the Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council will retain confidentially for Public Liability Insurance purposes.
Please make sure that you are wearing boots or other suitable footwear, and suitable gloves, and also bring a hot drink and refreshment for break-time.
Tools will be provided.
Covid-19 Rules and Tools
The application of current rules are the responsibiity of all individuals and groups of individuals.
For this reason, it would be helpful at this time if volunteers bring their own ‘favourite’ hand-tools so that we do not have to worry about sharing and disinfecting.
In this context, those favouring gardening work should perhaps bring trowels, small forks and secateurs, whereas potential ‘scrub bashers’ might bring their favourite loppers and/or bow saws.
If you have any queries please contact any committee membver or
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